
O čovečanstvu...

Pa vi još uvek delite čovečanstvo na narode. Zar vas to nije prošlo?
Nisam delio ja. Čovečanstvo se delilo.


Herman Hese "Stepski vuk"

art credits: vbagiatis
"Kako da ne budem stepski vuk, olinjali pustinjak usred sveta čiji ciljevi nisu moji, čije mi radosti ništa ne znače. A ono što se u meni dogadja, što je za mene slast, doživljaj, ekstaza i uzvišenost, to svet voli i traži možda jedino u pesničkim delima, a u životu smatra ludošću!"


Herman Hese "Stepski vuk"

"Usamljenost je nezavisnost. A ja sam je preživljavaoi stekao tokom dugog niza godina. Nezavisnost je hladna, ali je i spokojna, čudesno spokojna i prostrana kao onaj hladni i tihi prostor u kome se okreću zvezde."


Herman Hese "Stepski vuk"

"Setio sam se svojih zaboravljenih mladićkih godina - koliko sam voleo ovakve mračne, mutne večeri u poznu jesen ili zimu, kako sam, opijen, žudno uvlačio u sebe raspoloženje usamljenosti i melanholije kada sam do ponoći, uvijen u svoj kaput, trčao po kiši i vetru kroz neprijateljsku prirodu punu opalog lišća, već i tada usamljen, ali ispunjen dubokim uživanjem i pesmama, koje sam kasnije zapisivao pri svetlosti sveće. To je prošlo, taj pehar je popijen i više se nije punio. Da li je trebalo žaliti za tim? Nije. Ne treba žaliti ni za čim što je prošlo. Žaliti treba za Sada i za Danas, za svim onim nebrojenim danima koje sam izgubio, koji su mi protekli ne donevši mi darove ni uzbudjenja."


Herman Hese "Stepski vuk"

art credits: MultiCurious
"Ako ti je za svako zadovoljstvo potrebna dozvola sveta - onda si doista za žaljenje!"

"Moja duša je ponovo počela da diše. Moje oči su ponovo progledale, i u trenucima sam strasno naslućivao da je dovoljno da sakupim rasuti svet slika, da treba samo na stepen slike da podignem ovaj 'harihalerovski' život stepskog vuka kao celinu, pa da i sam udjem u svet slika i postanem besmrtan. Zar svaki čovečji život ne znači zalet i pokušaj prema tom cilju?"


Film "Engleski pacijent"

Almásy: What do you love?
Katharine Clifton: What do I love?
Almásy: Say everything.
Katharine Clifton: Water, with fish in it. Hedgehogs, I love hedgehogs. Marmite. Baths, but not with other people! Islands. I could go on all day.
Almásy: Go on all day.
Katharine Clifton: Your handwriting.
Almásy: And what else?
Katharine Clifton: A husband.
Almásy: What do you hate most?
Katharine Clifton: A lie. What do you hate most?
Almásy: Ownership. Being owned. What you leave here you should forget me.
[she adopts a look of disgust, pushing him away. She gets out of the tub, picks up her tattered dress and leaves]

Almásy: I just wanted you to know: I'm not missing you yet.
Katharine Clifton: You will.

Almásy: When were you most happy?
Katharine Clifton: Now.
Almásy: When were you least happy?
Katharine Clifton: Now.

Katharine Clifton: I'm impressed you can sew.
Almásy: Good.
Katharine Clifton: You sew very badly.
Almásy: Well, you don't sew at all.
Katharine Clifton: A woman should never learn to sew, and if she can she shouldn't admit to it.

Katharine Clifton: Do you think you are the only one who feels anything?

Almásy: How can you ever smile, as if your life hadn't capsized?

Hana: There's a man downstairs. He brought us eggs. He might stay.
Almásy: Why? Can he lay eggs?
Hana: He's Canadian.
Almásy: Why are people so happy when they collide with someone from the same place? What happened in Montreal when you passed a man in the street? Did you invite him to live with you?

Almásy: There is no God, but I hope someone watches over you.

Katharine Clifton: This - what is this?
Almásy: It's a folk song.
Katharine Clifton: Arabic.
Almásy: No, no. It's Hungarian. My daijka sang it to me when I was a child growing up in Budapest.
Katharine Clifton: It's beautiful. What's it about?
Almásy: Szerelam means love. And the story, well, there's this Hungarian count. He's a wanderer. He's a fool. And for years he's on some kind of a quest for... who knows what. And then one day, he falls under the spell of a mysterious English woman. A harpy, who beats him, and hits him, he becomes her slave, and he sews her clothes, and worships...
[Katharine starts hitting him]
Almásy: Stop it! Stop it! You're always beating me!
Katharine Clifton: Bastard! You bastard, I believed you! You should be my slave.

Almásy: New lovers are nervous and tender, but smash everything. For the heart is an organ of fire.